Trees Forever tour features agroforestry in central Iowa
Daylong event set for May 30, 2015, beginning in Ames
AMES (April 29, 2015) – Trees Forever is hosting a daylong tour in the Ames area to showcase a variety of agroforestry systems, including specialty forest products, such as hazelnuts.
Agroforestry – the marriage of agriculture and forestry – will be featured on the Central Iowa Agroforestry Tour, scheduled for Saturday, may 30, 2015, starting in Ames, IA. Five stops at various sites will highlight agroforestry crops such as aronia berry, hazelnuts, and Christmas trees. Agroforestry practices like riparian forest buffers, organic and livestock buffers, as well as silvopasture, combining trees with forage, and livestock production, will be explored.
“This tour has something for everyone,” said Trees Forever Field Coordinator Jeff Jensen. “I’m excited with the sites we’re visiting. It is a really nice mix of crops, practices, and marketing techniques from folks who are doing it.”
The tour bus will leave promptly at 8 a.m. from the large parking lot south of Hilton Coliseum for the first stop of the day. The cost is $25, which covers a bus ticket and lunch. A complete agenda, specifics about each site, and registration can be accessed at.
- What: Central Iowa Agroforestry Tour
- When: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday May 30, 2015
- Where: Bus will leave from the large parking lot south of Hilton Coliseum in Ames.
- Cost: $25 for bus fare and lunch.
Agroforestry tour partners include USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, Iowa Nut Growers Association, Minnesota Hazelnut foundation, Midwest Aronia Association, & American Hazelnut Company. Pre-registration is required. Please RSVP by Wednesday, May 27 at .
For a PDF verdion of the tour itinerary, click here:
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Trees Forever is a nonprofit organization nationally headquartered in Marion, IA that is dedicated to planting trees, encouraging volunteer and youth involvement and environmental stewardship. For over 25 years we’ve been planting a better tomorrow. For more information visit or call 800-369-1269.
Jeff Jensen
213 Maine St. PO Box 61
Lone Rock, IA 50559
Cell 515-320-6756